Friday, June 26, 2009

Gov. Mark Sanford -- Needs a Good CLAWing?

The Mark Sanford Argentine Lover scandal has NOTHING to do with our work, so why are we so intrigued by it?Read this New York Times Gail Collins OpEd piece here and don't miss the embedded line:"perhaps it is time to rethink the idea of constantly electing middle-aged heterosexual men to positions of high importance."

Whoa! Then there are those who ask what's up with the disturbing glee that, well, I, for one, feel upon seeing a hypocrite like Sanford exposed in a most embarrassing way. What does that say about us gleefully imperfect agnostics? (One of the few demographics to whom Governor Sanford most decidedly did NOT apologize. Click here to see the faithful flock to whom he DID apologize.)

Then there's the view, held by my buddy in the court cafeteria, that Sanford gets a break because, unlike dogs like Clinton and Spitzer, he was so obviously in looooooove. (Click here to read his hilarious emails to his Argentinian girlfriend. I haven't heard schlock like this since the make-out session after the junior prom!)